How to transition off synthetic birth control

There are many reasons people with periods choose to transition off synthetic birth control. Some are in the pre-planning stages of their journey to build or grow a family and want to track their natural cycles. Others are experiencing severe or undesired side effects of synthetic birth control. And many women can’t or don’t wish to endure the potential health risks associated with synthetic birth control.

 Whatever your reasons for making the switch from synthetic birth control, there can be side effects when transitioning off, so it’s best done in partnership with members of your health team. In general, here is what I recommend women focus on when they are ready to say goodbye to hormonal birth control. 

Nutrient boost

Focus on nourishing, whole foods with a good balance of vitamins, minerals and monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats (also referred to as “healthy fats”) as well as supplements, where needed (its best to work with a provider 1:1 to get targeted recommendations here). This can help support hormone production and an overall healthy body so it is prepared for potential hormonal changes. 

Support gut health

Hormonal birth control can mess with the microbiome, so I often recommend antimicrobials such as berberine – a chemical compound found in some plants. Berberine has been shown to alter microorganisms in the gut to curb the body’s production of uremic toxins (which are filtered and excreted by the kidneys). It’s best to work with a provider one-on-one for targeted, customized recommendations. Just because something is natural does not mean it’s safe or appropriate for you!

Probiotics are also helpful, especially if you have experienced digestive symptoms while taking hormonal birth control. 

Fabulous fiber

Get your body moving, both inside and out! Regular physical activity is important for your whole body, but it’s equally important to have regular bowel movements to support gut health, detoxification and elimination of waste. Be sure you’re getting a good balance of fruit, vegetables, whole grains, beans, lentils, nuts and seeds in your diet. 

Liver lift 

Our livers remove toxins from our bodies and help regulate hormone levels. When coming off hormonal birth control, it’s important to support a healthy liver. Dry skin brushing can help stimulate the lymphatic system, alternating between hot and cold water (contrast showers) and exercise can also help aid the body in removing toxins. I also work with patients individually to customize vitamins, minerals, herbs and antioxidants to their unique needs. 

Warm castor oil packs may also help with and they’re easy (and relaxing) to do yourself right at home! 

Mind, body and sleep

Daily stress reduction techniques, in general, support overall health and hormonal balance but they are particularly important during any times of significant change, such as stopping hormonal birth control. 

Cortisol fluctuations through the day impact our energy, stress response and sleep-wake cycle. Too much cortisol (from chronic high stress, for example), can impact all of the other hormones and may also lead to symptoms like acne, blood sugar imbalances and weight gain. Progesterone, estrogen, testosterone and cortisol are all hormones that impact our sleep quality, and the quality of our sleep also impacts the overall balance of these hormones. For this reason, it’s vital to get as much good quality sleep as possible, especially during a time when hormones may naturally be trying to regulate themselves. 

Get tested

The best way to understand what areas of your health and wellness to address is to get a baseline through lab testing. Iron, vitamin D, thyroid, inflammatory markers, liver, cholesterol, insulin and other important tests can help track where your body is at while on hormonal birth control and help pinpoint areas to address as you’re discontinuing birth control use. 

Many patients request hormone testing around the time they are discontinuing synthetic birth control, but I wait at least three months post-birth control to allow hormones to regulate first before doing this type of testing. 

Stay aware

If you’d like to prevent pregnancy, you’ll need to decide what you’d like to do for protection. The Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) is a natural method of birth control, but does require careful ovulation tracking for at least three months post-birth control before being able to rely on FAM as a method of birth control. 

Each person’s journey discontinuing synthetic birth control is unique, so the strategies utilized should be tailored to individual symptoms and situations. For example, a woman may have experienced acne before taking hormonal birth control and she may be concerned about recurring breakouts coming off birth control. With this in mind, we will add more skin support to her care plan. 

Whether you have questions about going off birth control or are ready to make a change, it’s important to have seasoned guidance and support. If you’re located in Minnesota, schedule your free consultation with Dr. Natalia Pellegrino. 


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