Naturopathic Medicine Consults 

Whether we call it preventative, holistic, natural, functional, or integrative medicine, it really boils down to using the most evidence-based natural methods to restore and maintain health. This is a holistic system of medicine, looking at all systems of the body and how they work together.

a cup of healing tea


Food is the foundation of health, and is your best medicine! We’ll work together to evaluate your current diet, and look at what’s working and what isn’t.

This is not a one-size-fits-all approach, but rather a personalized plan for you. There is endless information out there on what to eat, what are ‘good’ foods and ‘bad’ foods. The truth is, that there’s not one diet that works for everyone.

We will discuss how to determine what works best for your constitution, as well as what foods are best for your current conditions. I often utilize food sensitivity testing to help tailor the nutrition plan for you.

A beaker with lab test tubes

Lab Testing

I can order all basic blood testing, as well as more functional assessments like urinary hormone testing (DUTCH testing), adrenal testing, and stool testing (GI-MAP test). I often do more in-depth testing than you might have done at your annual physical. This gives us a more comprehensive view of your health, and allows us to have a baseline to measure improvements with our work together.

Common tests I order include: Hormones, Thyroid testing, Adrenal testing, Iron levels, Vitamin D levels, inflammatory markers, and other labs that may be indicated for you. I also do micronutrient testing and food sensitivity testing, among many other options. Additional fees apply for lab costs.

A nutritional supplement with dropper

Nutritional Supplements

I often use high-quality nutritional supplements (vitamins, minerals, amino acids) to help your body clear symptoms and come back to balance as we work on establishing other aspects of a healthy lifestyle (nutrition, hydration, reducing toxin exposure, sleep, stress reduction, and more).

I can also evaluate your current supplements to ensure you’re getting the most benefits, and to check that there are no interactions with your other supplements or medications. The form and dosage of your vitamins and minerals make a huge difference in how effective they are, and I can tailor this to your needs.

herbal medicine botanical medicine roots

Botanical Medicine / Herbal Medicine

Botanical and herbal medicine using plants / substances from plants to prevent and treat illness. We have been using plants as medicine (Botanical Medicine) since early human civilizations existed, and there is evidence of this use as far back as 1500 BC.

Herbs are powerful and work with your body to support healing, vs. medications that can suppress function. There are many different uses and forms of plant medicine, including teas, tinctures, and concentrated extracts in capsule form, and different plant parts have different effects (the leaf, fruit, or root of the same plant can exert different effects for example).

The proper form and dose is important, to achieve the therapeutic effects, and this is customized to you.

woman with flowers and herbs

Healthy lifestyle guidance

I get that change is difficult, and it won’t happen overnight. I’ll work with you to improve your health habits and provide the accountability needed to make the new habits stick.

This includes guidance on stress reduction, healthy sleep, regular movement / exercise, emotional health, self care practices, and much more. Everyone goes at a different pace, so this can be as gradual as it needs to be. These are not quick fixes, but full shifts in mindset, to allow you to prioritize your health and self-care. Each tiny change is like planting a seed and nourishing that seed with the right conditions to help it thrive.


1:1 Naturopathic Visits:

  • pay per visit

  • messaging access between visits

  • no lab testing included

  • no supplements included

  • best for those who’d like to ‘dip their toe’ into working with a naturopathic doctor

  • best if you’re unsure whether you want / need lab testing

  • $300 initial visit (90 mins)

  • $200/hr follow-up visits*

*typical follow up visit is 60 mins, but shorter and longer visits are available as-needed

Soul Seed Hormone Reset System

  • 4 month, transformational 1:1 program

  • 5 visits (one initial, 4 follow ups) over 4 mos

  • messaging access and additional check-ins between visits

  • lab testing included (comprehensive blood work, stool testing, urinary hormone testing)

  • supplements included (up to $200/mo)

  • monthly meal plan included

  • additional bonuses to support your health!

Transparent Pricing


Free 15 minute Consult


This is an introductory phone consult, to determine if we are a good fit. This is a great time to briefly review your current health needs and goals, ask questions, and learn more about how I may be able to help you.

Book Your Call


Initial Naturopathic Visit


90 minutes, $300, virtual ZOOM visit (ages 18 and up): This first visit includes a comprehensive health assessment, including a review of your past medical history, as well as focused attention on your current health concerns and long-term health goals. During this visit, we will review any recent labs, and your current supplements and medications. At this visit, we will get you started on a plan, including basic nutrition guidelines, any recommended lab testing, and natural remedies and lifestyle recommendations to support you right away.

Schedule a Visit


Follow up Naturopathic Visits


30-90 minutes, $100-250. Virtual visit or phone. Follow up appointments are usually 4-8 weeks after your initial visit, or sooner if needed. At this visit and future follow-ups, we will do an in-depth review of any lab results, review your progress with the initial plan, and make any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan.

Follow up visits after this depend on you, and your current health concerns. We may need to follow up more often in the first 6 months of your care, to monitor your improvements. After your health conditions are more stabilized, it is recommended that you follow up 1-2 times per year, or more often as needed.


Follow up visits are typically 60 minutes, and cost varies based on time. 

  • 30 minutes: $125 - for brief check-ins only

  • 45 minutes: $150

  • 60 minutes: $200

  • 75 minutes: $225

  • 90 minutes: $250

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